Guides d'Installation

De OSx86
Version du 27 juin 2012 à 22:46 par Fantomas (discuter | contributions)

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This is a list of installation guides that will help you to get OSx86 up and running.
If you are new to OSx86, please use one of the guides in the Recommended section.

Please do not copy the content from one site to another site, please use original content on your site.

Please do not put your link anywhere; place it in the correct section.

Some of these guides don't tell you how to partition, please see the bottom of the page for details on partitioning or see Partitions.


Getting Started

If you want to install OSX on your Intel or AMD computer, your computer processor needs to support at least SSE2. Most current (2011) CPUs support SSE2 and SSE3, so you may want to skip the next paragraph. It is recommended that your computer supports SSE3 for application compatibility, speed and performance. Make sure to check which version of OSx86 you need for your processor. You can check for SSE2 support from Windows with a program called CPU-Z. If you're already on a mac use CPU-X. If you are using Linux, enter the following in a terminal:

cat /proc/cpuinfo

Additional hints after installation:

InsanelyMac Installation Guide sub-forums

See also installation guides from InsanelyMac sub-forums here.

10.8 Guides

10.7.4 Guides

10.7.3 Guides

10.7.2 Guides

10.7.1 Guides

10.7.0 Guides

10.6.8 Guides

10.6.7 Guides

10.6.6 Guides

10.6.5 Guides

10.6.4 Guides

10.6.2 Guides

10.6.0 Guides

10.5.8 Guides

10.5.7 Guides

  • HP DV1000 Step-by-step clean, works with similar models. DV1XXX

10.5.6 Guides

10.5.5 Guides

10.5.2 Guides

10.5.1 Guides

10.5.0 Guides

10.4.9 Guides

10.4.8 Guides

10.4.7 Guides

10.4.5 Guides

10.4.4 Guides

10.4.3 Guides

10.4.1 Guides

International Guides

  • Please don't put Google or other translated guides in this area. This is for native language guides, please add translations beside your own guide











Update Guides

USB Drive Installation Guides

VMware Install Guides

Dual Boot

Native Hardware (after installation)

  • Laptop Install w/ home-made dongle
    This is a forum link regarding laptop install problems, especially blue screens at boot. An external monitor is needed, or if you have none, this describes making a dongle that will pacify the OS.
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